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Reciprocity and Burgee Lists


Visiting Clubs:   LYC is a member of Yachting Club of America and welcomes members from other participating reciprocal clubs.  Please present your Letter of Introduction and/or home club membership card at time of service.  Please call in advance.

  • Reservations are requested for dining. 
  • Daily parking passes are available in the office, pool and main bar. 
  • Please contact the marina for transient slip availability.
  • Restrictions and limitations on reciprocation are at the discretion of the Lewes Yacht Club and abide by our private club status.

LYC Members:  As a member of the Lewes Yacht Club, you will have access to clubs listed in the register of Yachting Club of America. To view the list of participating/reciprocal clubs, please contact our office for the YCA "Members Only" sign-in information.

We suggest our Members phone ahead to verify reciprocal privileges and what type LYC verification is needed.  Some Yacht clubs require a letter of recommendation or verification. Please contact the LYC office in advance to receive the required documentation.  

LYC Burgees:

BURGEE (bur' jee): triangular or swallowtail-shaped identification flag, esp. as flown by yachts (definition from Random House Collegiate Dictionary).

According to the LYC By-laws:
The Club Burgee shall bear a silhouette of the former Cape Henlopen Lighthouse in white, with a red beam showing between the lens and the hoist, a white beam showing from the lens to the tip; all against a background of blue. The letter “L” is to be shown approximately half way between the lighthouse and the tip of the burgee in blue on the white beam. The lighthouse on a 10 x 15 inch burgee shall be about 2 ½ inches from the hoist. Larger sized burgees shall follow the same proportionate dimensions. The burgee shape shall be three sided.
Members who travel, please check the LYC list of acquired burgees, to reduce duplicating those we already display. Remember to look for new burgees to add to our collection. It can be an enjoyable experience. There is an unwritten understanding that we (LYC) will exchange "one-of-ours-for-one-of-yours."

Burgees for "trading" can be obtained from the Burgeemeisters or the LYC Office. Many of our acquisitions have been purchased from other Yacht Clubs and donated to our club by LYC members.  When you receive a new burgee, please contact the Burgeemeisters for display and recognition.
LYC Burgeemeisters
Lee and Sue Sheets